Some Relationships Are Like Wine

Some relationships can be compared to wine; they become finer with age. At the start of these sorts of relationships, the attraction is merely physical. They are attracted by the look of what's on offer but the actual taste is not as satisfying as hoped. Like fine wine there are those relationships that do get better with time, and what was first an acknowledgment of looks becomes a physical and mental bond that neither want to lose.
Like some wines, relationships can be cheap and nasty. They taste bitter in the end and fail to deliver what it promised the first place. There is no easy way to find out what sort of wine you can expect to taste, just like relationships. But there is every possibility that the wine that you expect most from fails to deliver, and the relationship that goes quietly about its business gets to become the finest.
Relationships can be hard to work at and the only way to get through them sometimes is by talking them through with your partner. Communication can be the Holy Grail that saves you both, and by the time you realise this it could be too late. The finer wines in life are the most expensive, and at times in relationships the more you put in to a relationship the more you get out.
The more you risk in a relationship in terms of how much you are willing to trust someone will determine how much you get out of it. If you invest less then you will probably end up with a nasty and negative ending. But if you are able to invest more you will end up with a fine relationship that will only get better. The more you trust each other allows your relationship to grow, and you both grow with it. There is no easy way to be able to invest this sort of trust, and at times you won't want to.
There is also the possibility that all your efforts will be wasted and it will be an expensive flop. If it does flop you will be left with a feeling of discontent and regret, but if it does by any chance materialise into something amazing then it will be the best feeling you will ever feel.
Invest what you can and reap the rewards, be willing to take a risk and like fine wine your relationship will mature with time.


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